Friday, July 26, 2013

Decoding the ‘waow’ factor of Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is marketing that makes use of electronic devices such as computers, tablets, Smartphone, cell phones, digital billboards, and game consoles to engage with consumers and other business partners. Internet Marketing is a major component of digital marketing.

Digital marketing is a marketing process which leads to the development of any organization or brand by using a variety of digital channels such as email, social networks etc.

Digital Marketing can be defined as promoting of brands or products and services using all forms of digital advertising. Digital marketing uses Television, Radio, Internet, mobile and any form of digital media to reach customers in a timely, relevant, personal and cost-effective manner.

Apart from using many of the techniques and practices contained within the category of Internet Marketing, digital marketing extends beyond this by including other channels that do not require the use of the Internet. Due to non-dependence on the Internet, the field of digital marketing includes a whole lot of elements such as mobile phones or cell phones, display / banner ads, sms /mms, digital outdoor, and many more.

This could be a classy birthday greeting sent to the customer’s Smartphone, a personally relevant coupon sent by SMS to the customer or a weekly newsletter than includes updates and specials. Customers and affiliates are interested in receiving these good news messages from you, and we’re here to help you deliver the messages to them and advance your business simply and effectively – no prior knowledge required.

Two different forms of digital marketing exist:

In pull digital marketing, the consumer actively seeks the marketing content, often via web searches or opening an email, text message or web feed. Websites, blogs and streaming media (audio and video) are examples of pull digital marketing. In each of these, users have to navigate to the website to view the content. Only current web browser technology is required to maintain static content. Search engine optimization is one tactic used to increase activity. It was observed that consumers prefer special sales and new product information, whereas "interesting" content was not useful.

In push digital marketing the marketer sends a message without the consent of the recipients, such as display advertising on websites and news blogs. Email, text messaging and web feeds can also be classed as push digital marketing when the recipient has not given permission to receive the marketing message. Push marketing is also known as spam. Push technologies can deliver content as it becomes available and can be better targeted to consumer demographics, although audiences are often smaller, and creation and distribution costs are higher.

Internet Marketing
Online advertising, also called Internet advertising, uses the Internet to deliver promotional marketing messages to consumers. It includes email marketing, search engine marketing, social media marketing, many types of display advertising (including web banner advertising), and mobile advertising. Like other advertising media, online advertising frequently involves both a publisher, who integrates advertisements into its online content, and an advertiser, who provides the advertisements to be displayed on the publisher’s content. Other potential participants include advertising agencies who help generate and place the ad copy, an ad server who technologically delivers the ad and tracks statistics, and advertising affiliates who do independent promotional work for the advertiser.

Delivery methods

5 Latest Marketing Trends to Watch for :
#1: Smartphone Device Adoption Has Reached critical mass population
Research by eMarketer shows the amount of time people spend on a mobile device is growing at 14 times the rate of desktop usage. The same research indicates thatmobile is becoming a more prominent channel for commercial transactions.
In the second quarter of 2012, mobile sales accounted for 15.1% of total B2C retail eCommerce sales, compared to only 1.9% for social eCommerce sales.
half america own smartphones
What this means for marketers is that a mobile-first strategy is the new priority.
The significance of location-based marketing, which has been around for a couple of years, will only continue to grow in importance.

Finally, with a growing number of users downloading apps on their smartphones, a focused app strategy will help ensure that your brand remains forceful and relevant.

The advantages of digital marketing are astronomical. Here is what  I observe the 10 benefits of Digital Marketing v. Traditional Marketing:
1.    Level playing field:  Any business can compete with any competitor regardless of size with a solid digital marketing strategy. 
2.      Reduced cost: Your business can develop its online marketing strategy for very little cost and can potentially replace costly advertising channels such as Yellow Pages, television, radio and magazines with Google Ads, Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter etc.
3.    Simple to measure: Unlike traditional methods you can see in real time what is or is not working for your business online and you can adapt very quickly to improve your results.  For measuring traffic to your site you can use Google Analytics to measure specific goals you want to achieve for your website or blog.
4.      Real time results: you don’t have to wait weeks for a boost to your business like you would have to waiting for a fax or form to be returned.  You can see the numbers of visitors to your site and its subscribers increase, peak trading times, conversion rates and much more at the touch of a button.
5.      Refinement of your strategy:   Basically anything that you capture in your customer journey can be reported on and honed for greater success at the fraction of the cost of traditional marketing. 
6.      Brand DevelopmentA well maintained website with quality content targeting the needs and adding value to your target audience can provide significant value and lead generation opportunities. 
7.      Far greater exposure: your business can be seen anywhere in the world from one marketing campaign, the cost to do this using traditional methods would be considerable. 
8.      Viral: how often do your sales flyers get passed around instantly by your customers and prospects?  Online, using social media share buttons on your website, email and social media channels enables your message to be shared incredibly quickly, just look how effective it is for sharing breaking news.  If you consider the average facebook user has 190 friends of which an average of 12% see their liked posts – your one message has actually been seen by 15 new prospects, now imagine a number of them also like and share your message and their friends do the same?  Mind blowing isn’t it. 
9.      Not Intrusive: I know most people hate receiving sales mail shots or phone calls at inconvenient times on stuff that they have little interest in.  Online people get the choice to opt in or out of communications and often it is relevant because they were the ones searching for it in the first place. 
10.   Greater engagement: With digital marketing you can encourage your prospects, clients and followers to take action, visit your website, read about your products and services, rate them, buy them and provide feedback which is visible to your market.
Nothing in this world is perfect. Same goes with Digital Marketing. Digital Marketing – 10 general shortcomings
1.  Lack of understanding what image they are trying to projectYou need to understand this from the start and have a style behind the image, along with substance to back it up.  It also needs to resonate with key audiences.  Most are not consciously sculpting how they are perceived or creating any reason they should get noticed in the first place.

2.  No path to acquire and grow an audienceIt’s not enough to figure out ways to gain attention from random people for fleeting moments.  You need to find a way to market to target groups consistently over time. 
3.  No cohesion of content: Lack of consistent voice/personality behind content will never allow you to build cohesion and have your ideas/perspective reach critical mass.  You need this in order to condition others to share your ideas.
4.  Placating executives by executing their bad ideas: If this is happening to you – stop, now.  No one wins when you’re creating things merely because someone up top is forcing down a one off idea here-and-there they feel might work (especially if they have limited  experience with digital marketing).  If it doesn’t play into the strategy, it doesn’t matter who it comes from.  If you see this happening put a stop to it. 
5.  Having to dumb things things down for the teamIf you have to consistently do this, you need a new team.  There are far too many others fluent enough in modern marketing strategies, it’s unnecessary to waste time doing this.  If you have to dial down ideas for internal comprehension, it means your competition is already running circles around you.
6.  No plan to actually reach anyone in the first place: If you built it, they will come is a flawed approach to marketing.  And yet I still see examples of this frequently.  If you don’t have a consistent plan to reach people and tactics to execute on this daily how do you expect to be found?
7.  No difference from others: The importance of accentuating your differentiation point can’t be overstated.  Uncover something to stand out and then don’t be afraid to drive that point home consistently.  Building a brand is tough, but you make it impossible if you can’t be different enough to get tagged to something that is all your own.
8.  No forming of relationships/alliances: Digital alliances are an underused element in marketing.  So many opportunities to work and grow together remain untapped.  Bring alliances/relationships into your strategy – especially if you’re small and agile – and you can encourage mutual growth.
9.  Misunderstanding the importance of contentMany businesses don’t understand the importance of organically growing out digital archives of content over time – it benefits both search and social.  Additionally, looking at the content produced by most, the first thing I notice is a lack of fresh thinking.  This shows the value of content is underestimated or misunderstood.

10.  Trying to reach the wrong groupYou want to reach a certain group – great.  But in some cases (mostly B2B, but some B2C) the group you want to influence is too shielded to reach in any kind of efficient way.  There is another path.  Find a different audience that is more accessible and a proxy to your target.

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